A couple of my friends are top notch editors. Year after year, they revise and edit books, catalogues, technical reports and rework publications. I am daunted by their abilities.

These friends differ on how the world turns but their ground rules for writing (and life) are the same. Be honest, keep it simple and trying to “get it right” really does matter.

And it does matter. Reviewing grammar, punctuation, word usage, spelling, phrasing, reading levels is important–especially in proposal writing which tends to be more of a journalistic or corporate style of writing built upon the concept of one idea, one sentence, one paragraph.

It’s not always easy to do this by yourself. Everyone needs a good editor.

I don’t want to call upon my friends on a regular basis for editing and writing advice because it’s their profession and we have family, friends, fashion and news to discuss.

Because of this, I subscribe to blogs from professionals who share their writing and publication knowledge on a regular basis. Daphne-Gray Grant is one of these professionals and continues to generously provide valuable corporate writing support via a newsletter, articles and publications.

As Stephen King says in his book , On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft , about revising and editing, “Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open.”