There are many interpretations of the saying, “Don’t try to be all things to all people”. To me, it means–be yourself.

Applying this concept when writing proposals for smaller communities relieves you of the stress of thinking that you have to create narrative for a subject in which you may have limited knowledge or expertise.

Knowing you have limited knowledge in a subject area and finding the right support for it will give you and the funder a proposal that is genuine, well researched and feasible.

For instance, you may be a general proposal writer for a community that carries out business in a number of sectors such as forestry, fisheries, mining etc. You don’t have to become an expert in these fields. Your job is to amalgamate community plans and technical reports and to find the appropriate planners/experts to help you apply this information to narratives, budgets and timelines. If you would like to see more about taking the stress out of proposal writing, go to the Free Resources page and download
Ten Tips to Take the Stress Out of Proposal Writing.